Tuesday 30 April 2013

New Module - NCI 454 Typographical & Editorial Design

Really looking forward to this module , Ive always loved editorial design and wondered how such great effects can be achieved using InDesign.

After attending some InDesign Tutorials with Nick , I learnt a hell of a lot about the tools and techniques in the programme. Unfortunately I did not take any screen shots , I was far too interested and caught up in getting to grips with all the tools in Indesign. However I can tell you what I didn't know how to do before and what I know now.

1) I now know how to wrap text around an object using the direct selection tool to curve the place holder text around the image. Which is something thats always baffled me when flicking through magazines.

2) Setting up a document InDesign inputting in the correct margins and gutters

3) Inserting placeholder text to make up for body copy

4) Place holder cropping , focussing on a focal point of an image

I was know fully equipped with the knowledge to start creating my own editorial spread.

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