Tuesday 30 April 2013

NCI 454 Typographical & Editorial Design - Grid Workshop

As we are learning about print layout , Nick thought it would be a good idea to start from the basics of the design process and start by designing our magazine spreads using the old fashioned way of pen and paper.

Using guidelines and particular dimensions for the gutters and margins , we began to draw our very first grid layout , using design code for body copy and imagery. Placing an 'X' inside anywhere that was going to be an image and lines for body copy. These were two very nice skills I picked up , as it saves you drawing the whole image out or even sketching it out and it also gives you an idea of where everything is going to go before you start designing on the computer. I really enjoyed this little workshop and challenged myself as I am not very good with measurements and calculation and felt it helped my way of thinking when it came to designing a layout.

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