Monday 29 April 2013

NCI453 Branding & Corporate Image

In class we were given a number of presentations on the formation of brands and what makes a good brand a successful logo . But also the price of a logo and the process of idea generation.  

We were shown this really helpful article from the Creative Bloq , check it out  here 

This helped me understand about the processes in which every designer goes through when designing for a client to formulate a brand identity. Some of the main points the article covered was:

  • Strategise From The Start
  • Do Your Research
  • Work With A Brief
  • Check The Competition
  • Dont Ignore The Client
  • Exercise Contraints
I found these pointers really helpful , all of them are just as important as each other however  a couple of points really stood out in which I thought was crucial when designing for a brand especially ' Do your research' and 'check the competition' both these points illustrate the fact of how important it is to carry out research and check whats already out there before you even begin starting to design.  But also 'Work with a brief' I feel is extremely important as there is nothing worse than straying away from a brief giving the client something they did not ask for would be a nightmare if they have paid you all that money for them to chuck it back in your face. 

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