Tuesday 30 April 2013

NCI 454 Typographical & Editorial Design - Final Design

Really pleased with outcome of my magazine spread , using my new found knowledge of Indesign I was able to manipulate the imagery into triangles creating a geometric feel to my spread. This module has definitely enhance my knowledge of editorial design and equipped me for future projects that I need to use Indesign for. 

Editorial design is definitely something im interested in pursing in the future along with Art Direction , I enjoyed arranging where all the elements would go with the article and most of the imagery. 

Although I was pleased with my final design , the mark came back and I had only achieved 54% which was above average but I feel I could have done a lot better. After having a chat with my tutor it became clear what let me down. My research was really short and was supposed to be 4 days worth of work. My tutor said my spread lacked weighting in parts and was very safe , I had to agree with him now I look back I could have done something with the page numbers as I just left them bare which is something my tutor picked up on. I intend to take these comments on board and try to challenge myself on the next module push myself outside my comfort zone and begin to think of original ways arranging type and imagery. 

TARGET SET : Spend more time on annotation , read through work , research weighting

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