Monday 29 April 2013

Live Brief - Newcastle Music Hub

Logo Task 1 – Live Brief 

Brief : Design a logo for Newcastle Music Hub. 

Background :

Newcastle Music Hub is a new initiative that is aimed at students from school age to 16. The music hub will work in schools and local colleges to inspire students to get 
involved in music workshops short courses. It involves all aspects of music from 
singing, playing instruments, making records, dj’s etc. 
Newcastle Music Hub needs a logo that will be easily recognizable and have some 
element that reflects music. 

As this was a short two-day brief we were asked to get started straight away , unfortunately  all my research was documented in my sketchbook which contained various research about the target market and relevant research into the topics surrounding Newcastle Music Hub.

I began to disect the brief and ask myself to think outside the box instead of creating a generic logo with the obvious music notes , headphones or a musical instrument. I decided to focus on the word 'Hub' to me hub portrays a scientific aspect ,  a centre for communication that is available to everyone . I wanted to portray this aspect in my design so began to formulate some of my idea's in my sketchbook on to the computer. 

At first i began to experiment with different typefaces and solutions to creating the Hub idea , The first shape that came to mind when thinking of a Hub was a circle but also the connection of a Hub. So i experimented with different placements of circles to adopt the notion of connection of a Hub. However I felt some of my ideas were too corprate for my target market of the school age to 16 years old.

So decided to take a softer approach and run with the idea of just using a typeface combined with a circular shape or modified slightly.

I particularly liked the logo with a drop shadow using a softer font to connect with the target market and respond to current trends learnt in the presentation earlier in the module. After deciding on this design , I began to experiment with colours using a soft colour palette that would stand out to the target market . I feel this design would also be appropriate if the company decided to produce other promotional material such as merchandise .

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