Monday 29 April 2013

NCI453 Branding & Corporate Image

SWOT Analysis 

Strengths - This being the first module of my course I feel I have a range of different strengths to help me start this module. Before signing on to this course I have gained some experience in liaising with a client whilst working as a freelance graphic designer throughout the holidays whereby I had to rebrand a shopfront and its promotional material. 

Weaknesses - Lack of knowledge on professional standards of working e.g how to present and display my work to the client. Dimensions and particular printing options such as working in RGB and CYMK.  Also lack knowledge in programmes such as Indesign and various tools in illustrator. 

Opportunities - This module will give me another opportunity to produce and gain experience in working with a client to produce a brand image and corporate identity. It will help me gain a better idea of the workflow of carrying out a task such as this one and what processes are involved. 

Threats - Time scale , keeping focussed outside of studies as well as the two days we are in college. Being able to produce something that is fit for purpose and meets the briefs guidelines. 

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