Monday 29 April 2013

NCI453 Branding & Corporate Image

We began to research and document various other brands identities and how they form this identity but also finding out what actually is a brand , we were asked to complete a series of tasks to help grow knowledge on this subject. 

1. What is a brand?

A brand is a "name , term , design or symbol" which identifies a sellers goods or services which evokes particular feelings and views about the company's concept , this is used to differentiate themselves from other sellers . 

2. Why do we have brands?

Brands exist to inform us of the company's identify , they are designed to distinctively set them apart from other sellers in the market . Without brands the company's identity would not be apparent and therefore the company would not be recognisable and unable to market their products. Being a customer we associate different brands with different products without this mark , the company' would not be able to generate customer loyalty or brand recognition.

3. What is the purpose/job of a brand?

The purpose of a brand is impose a sales pitch or create a concept around the products they are selling in a particular market , a brand identifies a company in its market and helps the company grow.

4. What are target markets?

Target markets are segments within the global market that share a particular attribute such as age/gender or opinion. A brand will identify its target market in the development process of a project and will come up with a marketing strategy on how there are going to capture there selected target market. 

5. What is the difference between a brand and a logo?

The brand is the concept behind the company which  co-insides with the logo and gives the brand an identity that can be recognised and marketed.

6. What is a brand characteristic?

 A brand characteristic is a style represented in most importantly the logo and the company's products or services , they will all be designed with the logo in mind creating a house style for the brand and overall developing a brand characteristic that is recognisable among other brands. 

7. What is a brand extension?

A brand extension is an established brand name on new products in a different category or sector .  A company using brand extension hopes to leverage its existing customer base and brand loyalty to increase its profits with a new product offering.

8. What is a brand slogan/ strap line?

A brand slogan is a catch line or sentence identity a brands motive and selling point , Slogans are an important element for a brand because it helps increase costumers retention rate and desire for a brand. 

9. What is the position of a brand?

Brand positioning is a strategic approach to establishing a sustainable competitive advantage over other brands in the same market segment. In this case a brand logo will help identify and increase the competitiveness of there brand if there logo is well designed and engineered for the correct purpose. 

We were then asked reflect and annotate some corporate identities that appealed to us :

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