Tuesday 1 April 2014

Freelance Work - Man Power Your 2014

Possibly the most borderline risky flyer Ive done, but it was a favour for a friend of a friend and I was actually quite pleased with it.

Interview Skills and University Oppotunities

I have recently got back from a stressful yet learning process two weeks in London - I received interviews for both Brighton Univeristy and UAL : Camberwell ( London College Of Arts) .

I made a portfolio on my own behalf using a printing studio in newcastle that compiled of all my work :

I saw all the student carrying big A3/A2 files around when waiting for the interview - I decided I want to do something a little different to set apart myself from the crowd and hopefully get remembered more. I was really pleased with the portfolio as it gave me a chance to express my love for editorial design and also type with no client or boundaries just myself.

I found the interview process quite nerve racking , but once i got talking I felt my passion and enthusiasm for creative practices really came out . It taught me to be confident about my work and talk about it in a manner that all can understand. 

After a few weeks of being back , I was told through UCAS that i did not get offered a place at either Brighton or London but recieved an offer at Salford University on the condition that I pass this year. 

Although a little disheartened by the choices made by the uni's , I feel this is just a learning curve that will help me in further interviews for jobs or uni's . I now know what there looking for and what to expect in the interview. 

Overall im happy im progressing at Salford Uni , its an amazing city and the uni is based right next to all the tv channel networks such as ITV & BBC . Which means the uni has strong industry links and will help me further my interest in advertising. 

Friday 21 March 2014

Experience Of Work Week - Keltie Cochrane

We were given a live a brief by North East based agency - Keltie Cochrane in which we were set a week to come up with finalized ideas. We were first put into groups encouraging us to collaborate with the advertising students. I was really excited about this as I finally got a chance to work with different people and bounce ideas off each other from two different perspectives . It taught me to think heavily concept driven and leave the design and creative process once the idea is there. I worked with Scott from advertising ,  We ended up getting along really well and coming up with some really nice ideas I was very confident with. I have always been interested in Advertising and the concept surrounding such simple executions.

I have learnt to put concept before any design related query as if the concept isn't strong then whats the point in just having something that looks beautiful but doesn't actually reach the touch point or the brief.

The brief was to come up with supporting posters and an integrated advertising campaign to raise awareness for current rise in STI's. We wanted to focus on the disease at hand and really get underneath the brief.

We decided to firstly jot down some ideas of what we feel if we had or knew someone had an STI. The results were mainly negative responses such as ; dirty, unclean, riddled , embarrassed. We came up with concept of labeling people, for instance if you knew someone had gonorea you would instantly label them as dirty or in a females case 'slag' . So going back to sticky notes you used to stick on your class mates back often ' kick me ' but change this to read something like ' slag ' 'bitch' 'dirty' with the copy on the sticky note at the bottom saying "don't get labelled . get tested".  This using the truth of an actual label but also bringing back the target market back to there school days.

Another idea we had was using soap dispensers in clubs as an object to raise awareness of these STI's by using UV Soap .  On the soap dispenser there would be a sticker with the copy or 'some things you can't see' get tested at your local GP. The idea being that when the person who has just washed there hands go back out into the club , they will notice they have uv paint on there hands linking back to ' some things stay with you'. This would run on a one off special club night dedicated to raising awareness where bouncers could give out condoms on exit. The mirrors in the bathrooms would also be altered - in light there would appear to be no symptoms but in the dark , the symptoms come out .

Creative Dave McDonald Came In For Chat

Dave McDonald has worked at a number of agencies such as infinite agency before turning to a freelance career. His work is very prominent in the North East, having done work for Metro and the identity for the HayMarket metro station. I didn't realize this was any of Dave's work and I walk past this station everyday on my way into college , so this really gave me an insight into his work as I have always wondered what the idea and selection process was behind the type . weighting and the layout of Metro's branding. He talked a lot about the sustainability of this identity and how its not going to be lost in 10 years time but is actually indespensible. 

It was really nice to be given an insight into Dave's work and his advice on making your way into the creative industry , I have taken a number of key points Dave addressed in his talk to help me remember.

The three main points Dave stressed were (in order) :


I think these three points are really key to getting anywhere within the creative industry , As I have just come back from a number of interviews and both Manchester and Brighton. It's helped me put into perspective what the university's look for. 

He also talked on portfolio's giving some really good advice on the arrangement of work - Don't limit yourself to one style show that you can do other things, as this may narrow your employability. Talk about how your work will/has effected your client not just the creative process but think about it from an outsiders point of view then talk about the process behind it. 

Dave's Golden Rules ;


AIM HIGH! - Don't be put off by approaching top agencies you love , don't think the people working in those agencies are completely alien to us , as they are just a phone call or email away and there people just like us!

Thursday 13 March 2014

Wow , Leif Podhajsky video profile from avant garde is amazing.

I adore this video and leif's outlook on life as an artist , I feel i share that same connection with nature - despite the intriguing hustle and bustle of a city , being around nature helps me re-connect with who I actually am . I love the way Lief's explains his outer body experiences as an individual and how it informs his artistic process. His appriciation for symmetry within the natural form is very evident in all of this work along with a sense of escapism and tones of nostalgia. Just by looking at his work , it sends all kind of emotions up my spine , i have been very closely following his work for a while now - carefully dissecting his creative process and techniques in a hope they inform mine. You can watch the video below :



Monday 3 March 2014

CV Workshop - My CV

CV Tips;

Be concise and clear, ensure the layout is evenly spaced and easy to read, 
all the information must be accurate, be carefull with spelling and remember to proof read, use a clear typeface, use good quality print.

What to include? 

Personal Details - Name, contact details, DOB & Nationality

Profile - Should be a few sentances or a short paragraph that desrcribes your key skills and experience but also what type of person you are. Taylor it to the position you are appyling for.

Qualifications - List your most recent academic qualifications first , be accurate and precise

References from previous employers , relevant work for the job.

After taking in the tips and advice clare gave us in the CV Workshop - Over the weekend I decided to create a creative CV for myself . I found the process a little frustrating as I found it hard to conclude my design ethic and style in two pdf documents - but eventually came to a decision on the layout and flow of my CV. 

I am going to use this CV to apply for further placements in the summer of 2014 - Some of the agencies ide most like to apply to are :



Friday 14 February 2014

Redlight - New Video

Lovley new video from redlight , love the 80s graphics and warped perspectives. This style is something Im really interested in getting into and experimenting with. It seems most of the animation will have been done on cinema 4d or and after effects. Cinema 4D is a programme I plan to teach myself over the summer holidays , I think its vital for designers to enrich there practice and use alternative techniques .

check it out below :


Friday 31 January 2014

CI528 Alternative Techniques Graphic Design D&AD National Trust - Conclusion

After 5 weeks of idea exploring , researching , doodling and creative planning, I have curated a sketchbook documenting my creative process from start to finish. I found working in a sketchbook allowed me to really get beneath the brief and understand what it wanted me to do and the outcomes I want to achieve. I set myself an art board plan of each page I intended to be in my sketchbook , this form of planning comes natural to me , I struggle to start anything without a plan or at least an idea on paper first.

This module allowed me to explore alternative techniques within the creative industry , I chose an advertising brief as I thought it would be challenge and I was right . Despite tough at times I really enjoyed the process of getting ideas , scrapping ideas and progressing without certainty that you know its right but your instinct tells you to keep going.

Here is the interactive poster I have mocked up which will allow users to charge there phone from the connectors at the root , by doing this the tree will light up into different colours. Whilst the user is waiting they could scan the QR Code which would tell them wear the nearest National Trust park is.
This poster would lead up and promote the campaign for the installation which allows users to charge there phone from the branches of the tree.

Sunday 26 January 2014

Some light reading

At the moment Im currently reading a book by Tyla Tharp titled the 'Creative Habit', I picked up this book from my travels down to brighton over the christmas period. Ever since Ive been hooked to her perspective on what creativity is and how to achieve it. Her book explores the process in which creativity works and ideas are perceived and exectuted.

It's teaching me to become more self directed and motivated towards my ideas , a key extract I liked was explaining something as she calls 'the spine' in creative process. This refers to the key element in any idea. asking yourself half way through a project - why am i doing this?, have a I drifted off from my intial idea? . If so refer back to 'the spine' which is the first core element of any idea , the set goal , the intention as to why you carried out this in the first place. Im only half way through the book but feel like Ive become creatively stronger already.


At the moment ive just started to research into my National Trust brief for D&AD , I have used this spine technique by setting myself the key statement of the brief.

'to recconnect beauty with nature'

Although my ideas can run everywhere , i can always refer them back to this core statement which needs to be met. I have started thinking about technology we can use to bring into national trust . Using iphones as a plus but also combining nature and natural world.

New Disclosure video from Kate Moross

New Video for disclosure is immense , lovley illustrations from the talented Kate Moross - who's work I have admired for a long time. I love her style , when you see her work you instantly know its hers. The bold shapes smooth outlines and creative typography works so well over the top of the footage.

Check out the video here

Friday 24 January 2014

Working as an In-House graphic designer at Cosmic Ballroom

On a part – time basis I work as an in house graphic designer for best voted uk small club 'Cosmic Ballroom'. My duties involve working with the club and event planners to produce artwork on a regular basis to a tight deadline. Whilst working for Cosmic ballroom I have enjoyed re-branding a variety of in house nights the club offer. This job allows me to fufill my interest in graphic design but also electronic dance music. Working in industry alongside my studies has taught me to tackle heavy work loads , think creativey in a set time frame and the importance of meeting deadlines. Although challenging at times I feel it has tested my determination and proved that I can work in a team and work to industry standards.  

Heres some of the work Ive just finished for a 80s funk and soul night at a new bar in Newcastle

Applying for Furher Study...

So I have come to the conclusion that I want to continue and further my study in graphic design after my second year, I have recently applied through ucas to various uni's around the country mostly southern areas. My reason for this being I want to be closer to London , I want to experience the hustle and bustle of London, not forgetting the more likeness of opportunities down there.

I feel I need to broaden my canvas

I have applied for the following;

Brighton University
Salford University
Leeds Metropolitan
London UCL
& Brighton University

I believe studying at these Universities will give me the ability to further my pursue a job in the creative industry and allow me to work above and beyond my own expectations , whilst enhancing and re-defining my skill set as a graphic designer. I feel my ability to be self motivated and my continuous drive to become better at my practice illustrates my enthusiasm and passion for design as well as maintaining a professional approach . I find comfort in working with others in a sociable enviroment where I can reflect and puzzle my ideas with other like minded people in completley new creative enviroment. After this course I intend to pursue a career in editorial or fashion base practices and feel this course could help me support and specialise in either one.

What an Amazing Idea!

I have just recently come across one of the most smartest simplest ideas out there for getting your CV seen by the top agencies. This has managed to transform her porfolio into an exact replica of a passport.

This is by far the most effective idea of getting your CV seen , everyone would pick up a passport and check inside to see who's it was. By then they would have at least investigated a page or two to check the visa or photo. She dropped these passports in the agencies she admired and politely asked for them to return to sender if they liked her work. The initial trigger and whit of this CV is something that has really inspired me with my own intentions of getting my work out there , if only I came up with the idea too.

you can check out more of her work here http://www.mirunamacri.com/

Saturday 18 January 2014

CI528 Alternative Techniques Graphic Design - Working in a sketchbook

For this module I plan to work in a sketchbook, after many chats with my tutor about the grading criteria - I really wanted to push myself to see what I could achieve and thought what a better way in the alternative techniques module.

I believe you can get underneath the brief a lot more working in a sketchbook and ideas can flow as well as the research. I feel it gets you more involved and pushes you to experiment which is something I find myself not doing when submitting in PDF Format as everything is formalised and polished . Showing no signs of mistakes or relevant idea genoration. A sketchbook allows anyone to see the journey of an idea with a flick through , containing my progression , to how I came about ideas to final outcomes etc.

It will also help me fufill my targets set from the previous module - I will be able to show my research alongside my sketches and put arrows and drawings allowing me to pick out relevant data to my research and point the reader straight to the way im thinking .

Friday 17 January 2014

The 50 Things Every Creative Should Know

Found some really insightful points made by the people at www.the-50.org  

The main 5 points that I picked up where :

There are very few ‘firsts’ these days. Countless others have started studios, freelanced and requested internships. It can be done. #the50

Regardless of how good you are, there will always be someone better. It’s surprisingly easy to waste time worrying about this. #the50

To get into the industry you need just three things: great work, energy and a nice personality. Many forget the last attribute.#the50


If your work doesn’t excite you, then it won’t excite anyone else. It’s hard to fake passion for mediocre work – scrap it. #the50 


Internships are a financial burden, but they are vital. They let you scope out the industry and find the roles that suit you best. #the50

CI528 Alternative Techniques Graphic Design - D&AD Briefing

I have just recently been given the D&AD Student brief pack , after going away for a week and studying which brief would be best suited to me and my skill set. I have decided to choose the National Trust Brief. I believe this brief will allow me to explore my appreciation about nature and the love for the outdoors when growing up.

We were presented with two hour videos of the D&AD judges panel answering questions from students about the previous briefs in 2013. This helped me contextualise my ideas and forced me to think of the originality of my potential ideas for National Trust.

Here are a few key pointers I took away from watching both videos ;

1. Get out experience the brand
2. Pick a brief your particularly passionate about
3. Be open to experimentation and be prepared to make mistakes as some will lead to good unexpected results
4. The best ideas are something that is actually achievable under the given circumstances

How to get a job at an agency you love ;

1. Know the agency
2. Keep your portfolio concise
3.Work hard
4. Be enthusiastic
5. Be persistent
6. Be hungry for more

What makes an idea stand out?

1. Strong concept
2. Innovation within technology
3. Fear about is it ok , is it going to work
4. Keep it appropriate
5. Always take the risk

You can find the talk here : http://www.dandad.org/index.php/learning/advice/pencil-panel-2013

Tuesday 7 January 2014

CI563 Packaging Design - Feedback

In this module I received a 67% grade which I am really happy with there are also somethings I can work on to improve this grade even further ;

"Josh this is a very good mark and you have succesfully met the requirements of the module and also design brief by producing an exciting packaging solution. Your research is in depth and exciting, while your design development is sound with clear annotation.

To improve my grade even further I need to be more explicit in highlighting where and how you arrive at your final designs. "Try including research images alongside your sketches , therefore being more explicit in where your ideas originated".

Targets set for next module :

Be clearer on where my ideas originated and how I came about them
Evidence research that is relevant alongside annotation and sketches

Sunday 5 January 2014

Swiss Style

Over the christmas period I have started some self directed learning , I feel if I want to learn something I should surely just go out and find out how to do it right? So I went to the library and picked up a collection of books from the graphic design section. I picked up a couple of books including ' Dutch Graphic Design' and 'Graphic Design School', I feel I need to learn more about my craft and the principles and process involved in order move forward.

Half way through the 'Graphic Design School' and Ive already learnt a hell of a lot about typography and the names for each segment of a letter. For example the space inside of a letter is called a 'counter' this is just one of many names for a particular feature of a typeface.

I recently just read this article on the Lessons we can learn about Swiss Style , It helped me understand the 'form over function' idealogy . I admire this ideology a alot , which was hailed by the swiss in the 1920's.

Check out the article here