Monday 3 March 2014

CV Workshop - My CV

CV Tips;

Be concise and clear, ensure the layout is evenly spaced and easy to read, 
all the information must be accurate, be carefull with spelling and remember to proof read, use a clear typeface, use good quality print.

What to include? 

Personal Details - Name, contact details, DOB & Nationality

Profile - Should be a few sentances or a short paragraph that desrcribes your key skills and experience but also what type of person you are. Taylor it to the position you are appyling for.

Qualifications - List your most recent academic qualifications first , be accurate and precise

References from previous employers , relevant work for the job.

After taking in the tips and advice clare gave us in the CV Workshop - Over the weekend I decided to create a creative CV for myself . I found the process a little frustrating as I found it hard to conclude my design ethic and style in two pdf documents - but eventually came to a decision on the layout and flow of my CV. 

I am going to use this CV to apply for further placements in the summer of 2014 - Some of the agencies ide most like to apply to are :

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