Sunday 5 January 2014

Swiss Style

Over the christmas period I have started some self directed learning , I feel if I want to learn something I should surely just go out and find out how to do it right? So I went to the library and picked up a collection of books from the graphic design section. I picked up a couple of books including ' Dutch Graphic Design' and 'Graphic Design School', I feel I need to learn more about my craft and the principles and process involved in order move forward.

Half way through the 'Graphic Design School' and Ive already learnt a hell of a lot about typography and the names for each segment of a letter. For example the space inside of a letter is called a 'counter' this is just one of many names for a particular feature of a typeface.

I recently just read this article on the Lessons we can learn about Swiss Style , It helped me understand the 'form over function' idealogy . I admire this ideology a alot , which was hailed by the swiss in the 1920's.

Check out the article here 

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