Friday 17 January 2014

CI528 Alternative Techniques Graphic Design - D&AD Briefing

I have just recently been given the D&AD Student brief pack , after going away for a week and studying which brief would be best suited to me and my skill set. I have decided to choose the National Trust Brief. I believe this brief will allow me to explore my appreciation about nature and the love for the outdoors when growing up.

We were presented with two hour videos of the D&AD judges panel answering questions from students about the previous briefs in 2013. This helped me contextualise my ideas and forced me to think of the originality of my potential ideas for National Trust.

Here are a few key pointers I took away from watching both videos ;

1. Get out experience the brand
2. Pick a brief your particularly passionate about
3. Be open to experimentation and be prepared to make mistakes as some will lead to good unexpected results
4. The best ideas are something that is actually achievable under the given circumstances

How to get a job at an agency you love ;

1. Know the agency
2. Keep your portfolio concise
3.Work hard
4. Be enthusiastic
5. Be persistent
6. Be hungry for more

What makes an idea stand out?

1. Strong concept
2. Innovation within technology
3. Fear about is it ok , is it going to work
4. Keep it appropriate
5. Always take the risk

You can find the talk here :

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