Friday, 21 March 2014

Experience Of Work Week - Keltie Cochrane

We were given a live a brief by North East based agency - Keltie Cochrane in which we were set a week to come up with finalized ideas. We were first put into groups encouraging us to collaborate with the advertising students. I was really excited about this as I finally got a chance to work with different people and bounce ideas off each other from two different perspectives . It taught me to think heavily concept driven and leave the design and creative process once the idea is there. I worked with Scott from advertising ,  We ended up getting along really well and coming up with some really nice ideas I was very confident with. I have always been interested in Advertising and the concept surrounding such simple executions.

I have learnt to put concept before any design related query as if the concept isn't strong then whats the point in just having something that looks beautiful but doesn't actually reach the touch point or the brief.

The brief was to come up with supporting posters and an integrated advertising campaign to raise awareness for current rise in STI's. We wanted to focus on the disease at hand and really get underneath the brief.

We decided to firstly jot down some ideas of what we feel if we had or knew someone had an STI. The results were mainly negative responses such as ; dirty, unclean, riddled , embarrassed. We came up with concept of labeling people, for instance if you knew someone had gonorea you would instantly label them as dirty or in a females case 'slag' . So going back to sticky notes you used to stick on your class mates back often ' kick me ' but change this to read something like ' slag ' 'bitch' 'dirty' with the copy on the sticky note at the bottom saying "don't get labelled . get tested".  This using the truth of an actual label but also bringing back the target market back to there school days.

Another idea we had was using soap dispensers in clubs as an object to raise awareness of these STI's by using UV Soap .  On the soap dispenser there would be a sticker with the copy or 'some things you can't see' get tested at your local GP. The idea being that when the person who has just washed there hands go back out into the club , they will notice they have uv paint on there hands linking back to ' some things stay with you'. This would run on a one off special club night dedicated to raising awareness where bouncers could give out condoms on exit. The mirrors in the bathrooms would also be altered - in light there would appear to be no symptoms but in the dark , the symptoms come out .

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