Tuesday 1 April 2014

Interview Skills and University Oppotunities

I have recently got back from a stressful yet learning process two weeks in London - I received interviews for both Brighton Univeristy and UAL : Camberwell ( London College Of Arts) .

I made a portfolio on my own behalf using a printing studio in newcastle that compiled of all my work :

I saw all the student carrying big A3/A2 files around when waiting for the interview - I decided I want to do something a little different to set apart myself from the crowd and hopefully get remembered more. I was really pleased with the portfolio as it gave me a chance to express my love for editorial design and also type with no client or boundaries just myself.

I found the interview process quite nerve racking , but once i got talking I felt my passion and enthusiasm for creative practices really came out . It taught me to be confident about my work and talk about it in a manner that all can understand. 

After a few weeks of being back , I was told through UCAS that i did not get offered a place at either Brighton or London but recieved an offer at Salford University on the condition that I pass this year. 

Although a little disheartened by the choices made by the uni's , I feel this is just a learning curve that will help me in further interviews for jobs or uni's . I now know what there looking for and what to expect in the interview. 

Overall im happy im progressing at Salford Uni , its an amazing city and the uni is based right next to all the tv channel networks such as ITV & BBC . Which means the uni has strong industry links and will help me further my interest in advertising. 

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