Saturday 18 January 2014

CI528 Alternative Techniques Graphic Design - Working in a sketchbook

For this module I plan to work in a sketchbook, after many chats with my tutor about the grading criteria - I really wanted to push myself to see what I could achieve and thought what a better way in the alternative techniques module.

I believe you can get underneath the brief a lot more working in a sketchbook and ideas can flow as well as the research. I feel it gets you more involved and pushes you to experiment which is something I find myself not doing when submitting in PDF Format as everything is formalised and polished . Showing no signs of mistakes or relevant idea genoration. A sketchbook allows anyone to see the journey of an idea with a flick through , containing my progression , to how I came about ideas to final outcomes etc.

It will also help me fufill my targets set from the previous module - I will be able to show my research alongside my sketches and put arrows and drawings allowing me to pick out relevant data to my research and point the reader straight to the way im thinking .

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