Wednesday 1 May 2013

NCI 402 Work Based Learning - Tyneside Cinema Meeting

Our Client’s ‘Tyneside 
Cinema’ decided to invite us along to a short presentation about how they work with external partners aswell as the limitations and contraints of working with a third party. This gave me an insight into 
actually how many people are involved in the design process . At Tyneside It has to go through many different levels of interaction before a design decision or mock up is even made. 

After the presentation we got back to class and were asked to illustrate the critical paths that were taken by a designer and a client when liasing with each other. This helped me gain a better idea of the 
processes proffesional designers have to go through when designing for an outside client that has limitations. It made me realise how little time you get to actually ‘design’ and runaway with your imagination. As there are always people who need to feedback so it eventually turns into a back and forth process between the desinger and the client going through various different party’s before something can actually be signed off and produced.

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