Wednesday 1 May 2013

NCI 402 Work Based Learning - Final Design

Before inserting my type , something I found very usefull from my previous project on editorial was using guides to correctly position type on a layout so everything was inline and aligned correctly with the middle of the page. I decided to use this 
photograph as the train tracks fit perfectly into the middle and the photo looks like old train tracks and slightly washed out like Alfred Hitchcocks imagery in his 1950’s posters.

Final Design - I am happy with how this turned out , and how the type looks inside my characters , the lines i think help keep it all aligned and together but also give it a decorate effect alike Alfred Hitchcocks titles. The type is relevant and the actors names compliment the title and headings. I also decided to place Alfred Hitchcocks logo or trade mark at the top of the type so it is even more recognisable .

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