Wednesday 1 May 2013

NCI 402 Work Based Learning - Day Of Shoot

Arriving at 9am on Friday morning I was a little apprehensive about how things would turn out , after waiting an hour or so for the equipment to be set up and lighting arranged , we noticed that the camera was not attached to a monitor and the cable was missing or did not function. This was abit of a pain as I could not view the photographers shots on a larger scale meaning I would have to look at the image through the camera screen. After waiting for my group members to take there turn . It was nearly lunch time and we were all getting a little hungry however it was my turn to step up to the mark. I began by briefing the models and showing them my scamps so they can in turn get a better idea of how I want it to look . I jumped on set and arranged where the models would stand , after every photograph taken I would have a look at the preview and decide what adjustments needed to be made. Firstly the lighting , it was far too dim , As I needed a silouette of two males the detail was not essential , so the lighting was brought to the back to achieve this effect. After numerous changes and adjusments with the photographer I really felt like an art director , orchestrating every movement of the model making all the decisions regarding the style/colour/lighting. It really gave me an insight into the job role of an Art director and what it means to be one. After I was happy with the photographs the photoshoot was over and I left with the experience of being an art director for the day even if it was for an hour or so - I felt important.

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