Wednesday 1 May 2013

NCI 402 Work Based Learning - Inspiration

I then decided to look at some current film posters that exist today. Whilst searching through pinterest I found these two posters which really inspired me and gave me an abundence of Ideas for my own poster. I love the way the ‘Road To Perdition’ poster has been executed . 
The silouette outline of a man , presumed to be the main charater or protagonist of the film. Whilst in scenes black and white from the film are captured inside the silouette merging together. I think this idea works really well . The type positioned at the bottom center of the poster helps ground the main image and complete the overall balance of the Layout. 

Another Poster which really caught my eye was the officlal poster for ‘Looper’ . Portraying the two main characters vertically symetrical from the title of the film. The actors names are placed above in a smaller type unlike Hitchcocks where the actors are placed at the bottom with higher case surnames. I think this idea could work well for ‘Strangers On A Train’ as there are two main characters alike Looper. I am going to use these two posters as my main source of inspiration for my ideas . By finding these posters it will help me form a clearer idea of what kind of photographs I need for my poster and how I will present my idea’s to the photographer when art directing my photoshoot. 

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