Wednesday 1 May 2013

NCI 402 Work Based Learning - Alfred Hitchock Research

Looking at the posters for ‘Strangers On A Train’ helped me gain a better idea of what sort of scenes and enigma codes were dipicted in the posters to help illustrate the films narrative and 
evidently sell it. I have noticed that the actors names are always featured in a large type that differs from the film title giving the actors there own respect and limelight. The actors names are usually positioned at the top of the poster or the bottom , the type also appears to be smaller than the title also displaying there first name in a smaller type than the surname. I will take on board these layout proportions and conventions of posters to help me when scamping out initial ideas for the layout and composition of my poster for Strangers On A Train. I decided to watch my chosen film to get a better idea of the storyline and really get into the style of Hitchcock’s work. At first i was a little apprehensive about the film being how dated it was however i picked up on a lot of enigma codes used by Hitchcock and key scenes with gave me some ideas for my poster. The film is shot in black and white allowing Hitchcock to experiment with low lighting  and exaggerate the mood and emotion in the particular scene.

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