Tuesday 26 November 2013

CI563 Packaging Design - Development Continued ...

My first idea was to have each box for a seperate product which would make up an overall box shape when faced flat . Each box would be exactly the same shape , taking inspiration from the way boxes are formulated using isometic grids. The product would be communicated via a die cut of an illustration of the product inside. I wanted to represent the products in the simplest form I could. 

I began to think about colours and what promoted masculinity I thought about having each box be a shade of the colour representing how the light would drop onto a box in real setting. 

I slowly began to worry about the functionality of this idea whilst getting too caughtt up working on isometic paper . I really liked the idea of all of the products forming together to create a box but I was unsure on a couple of things i.e

- how effective the visual of the die cut would be.

- The positioning of the logo / information on this shape , Would it be skewed or just in the centre?

- How the product would fit in?

I started feel like I was too held back and picked a really arkward shape to work with. 

Inspite of this I mocked up a visual using a draft net I drew . This gave me a much better idea of the outcome , I was still not conifdent on the shapes functionality , I think it would look great but it wouldnt jusitfy the product inside.

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