Friday 29 November 2013

Goals and thoughts for the future

So I have figured, I need to start thinking about what I want to do after the second year of my foundation degree at Newcastle College. At the moment I am unsure on what particular area of graphic design I want to specialise in. Since leaving compulsory education , I have managed to gain a hand full of freelance clients ranging from branding to fashion design which have really helped me build quite a strong portfolio.

At the moment I work as a graphic designer for Cosmic Ballroom , which has been voted best UK small club in the UK. Whilst working for Cosmic I have enjoyed designing and branding a variety of in-house nights for the club. I have been working for Cosmic for about 6 months now and really enjoying it but I feel i need to expand my horizons a little bit and look for other platforms to express myself creatively rather than flyers for club events.

So Im really into fashion and would love to go into some area of graphic design regarding this sector , Ive always been interested in clothing and despite the competitive market , I feel I could bring something new to already saturated market.

Even though I know nothing of putting together an actual garment Im keen to learn and would love to be a part of the process down to every little detail. It's really something that drives me , when I see a shirt or buy a piece of clothing , Im always nit picking on what could have been done better or how I would have done it. This drives my ambition to create my own clothing line , consisting of tailored garments with extra attention to detail and quality.

My Goals for this year are :

Look into fashion & graphic design internships
Practice and define my craft.
Maintain a healthy creative environment
Get out more , Network go to more events.

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