Elliot from deadgood kindly came and had a chat with us about his journey , Deadgood are a furniture based company , all of there manufacturing is 95% in the uk , which really sets them apart from other brands in the game. There strap line “we are deadgood and everything we do is deadgood” is a really great way of putting there brand into perspective , i always love hearing about how a brand came out and learning about the different steps and stages they went through to becoming what they are today , so it was really inspiring hearing Elliot take us through the process he went through to becoming what he is today. He began by pointing out the personality of his brand which is something that my teacher has Niel touched on , as Elliot repeated how important it was to maintain and evolve a brand personality and how he wanted to create furniture which was thought provoking and emotive. This personality has helped him gain a wide range of retailers around the world. .
Elliot also introduced me to a number of different inspirational sayings which left me inspired and motivated to actually get out there and show people what I’m doing. One that really caught my eye was an extract taken from kaizen a famous Japanese way of working - 20% working 80% doing. i always find when i start projects i think into it too much and spend too much time thinking about how I’m going to do it then actually doing it!. Pritty much the story of my life.
What i liked about Elliots talk was the fact that he came across really genuine and actually not only inspired me through his journey but gave me some pointers as to what inspired him. He mentioned a book called ’ The Art Of War’ which i might have to pick up or put on my christmas list as it would be interesting to read and draw inspiration from . Even though Elliot wasn’t from a Graphic Design back ground , it just shows that inspiration really does come from everywhere no matter what discipline